Saturday, June 27, 2015

Luxurious Traditional Fabrics

Weaving is an old-age heritage of Bengal. The fine and varied handmade fabrics; the weaving skills of the crafts people of Bengal have marveled and drawn the attention of people around the world for centuries. Exquisite hand-woven Muslin, Jamdani, raw silk as well as refined silks, a wide range of Khadi and extremely fine cotton have earned a place of honor for the artisans of Bengal all over the world. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Water Treatment Solutions

APPIA Research Group provides water treatment solutions for all type of applications, 
from domestic equipment to industrial turnkey plants up to 5000 m3/day.
Our wide range of technologies and extended know-how in all water-related sectors will 
guarantee you a cost-efficient solution meeting your water quality requirements.

How to Determine the Ideal Return Sludge Flow Rate (RAS)

return activated sludgeIn order to determine and come up with the ideal sludge return flow rate or RAS, you will need an indicator that can tell you what is needed to be done. Basically the main consideration on what everyone is using is by referring to the Solids Level in the wastewater system. In order to control and adjust the solid level, there are 3 different approaches which you can rely on to provide you the necessary information and to serve as a guideline. Although most operators will argue that based on experience coupled with observations, all that should be sufficient to determine the return flow rate, but nevertheless you will still need something which you can quantify and measure.

Activated Sludge Process Control

In a wastewater treatment plant, it is important to control the Activated Sludge Process because this is the step whereby significant reduction in BOD and COD will take place. To ensure best performance, several control measures must be put in place such as ensuring that there is sufficient level of dissolved oxygen in the aeration tank and also adjusting the return and take off rate of activated sludge and waste sludge from the system.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

ওজন কমাতে খাদ্যতালিকায় রাখবেন যে ৭টি খাবার

মধু: কুসুম গরম পানির সঙ্গে মধু মিশিয়ে সকালে খালি পেটে পান করুন। চর্বি ক্ষয় করতে কার্যকরী একটি খাবার এই মধু।