Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ozone wastewater treatment

Ozone wastewater treatment is a method that is increasing in popularity. An ozone generator is used to break down pollutants in the water source.

  • The generators convert oxygen into ozone by using ultraviolet radiation or by an electric discharge field.
  • Ozone is a very reactive gas that can oxidise bacteria, moulds, organic material and other pollutants found in water.
  • Using ozone to treat wastewater has many benefits:
    • Kills bacteria effectively.
    • Oxidises substances such as iron and sulphur so that they can be filtered out of the solution.
    • There are no nasty odours or residues produced from the treatment.
    • Ozone converts back into oxygen quickly, and leaves no trace once it has been used.
  • The disadvantages of using ozone as a treatment for wastewater are:
    • The treatment requires energy in the form of electricity; this can cost money and cannot work when the power is lost.
    • The treatment cannot remove dissolved minerals and salts.
    • Ozone treatment can sometimes produce by-products such as bromate that can harm human health if they are not controlled.

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