textile fibres should have not only strength but also elastic property i.e. extensibility.
These two mechanical properties should always be considered together which measure
the toughness of the fibre.
Extensibility: As we know, the
fibres which possess a well orientated structure in more crystalline are generally
less extensible than those which are orientated at random or possess folded
chains which can uncoil.
this way it is possible to deduce from extension at break the nature of forces
which resist deformation the highly orientated structures tend to throw the
strain on the main chemical bonds almost immediately. The lack of extensibility
results the fibre brittle which have very limited application.
addition to extension at break, it is important to give consideration to the stress-strain
modulus in this connection.

Figure 1:
Elementary load-extension diagram.
this diagram, the small bend in the curve which is observed at low stress is
due to the straightening of small convolutions or kinks in the fibre, the
dotted line shows the true course of the load-extension curve, for these low
stresses. The next part of the curve is usually straight and indicates that the
strain varies with the stress; in this part Hooke’s Law applies. As the stress
is proportional to the strain, it is possible to meaner the Young’s Modulus in
this region; this is the ratio of stress to strain and may be regarded as the load
necessary to extend the fibre a certain amount.
final part of the curve indicates a sudden increase in extension for a small
increase in load; the fibre has ceased to be elastic and is yielding to the
stress. This point is indicated by X, and is generally called the yield point;
it is actually a region rather than a point. Beyond the yield point the fibre
is no longer elastic, but exhibits plastic flow, and recovery after the relief
of stress is incomplete in this region.
the cellulosic fibres, the native fibres such as cotton and ramie are not extensible
i.e. they resist deformation. Acetate region is a relatively weak fibre but it
is quite extensible, possesses considerable stretch. Wool is amongst the
weakest fibres and cotton among the strongest; but wool is extensible, but
cotton is not. The wide generation those strong fibres are not highly
extensible except to silk and nylon. Young’s Modulus of elasticity (a measure
of stretch ability) shows that the native cellulose fibres are the least
extensible and the native protein fibres the most extensible.
Recovery: Although the relation of stress to strain is of considerable
importance in assessing the merits of textile fibres, it is equally important
the power of recovery from strain. This power of recovery from deformation may
be defined as elasticity. The elastic power recovery determination is not so
easy. One of the chief difficulties is that the recovery is not immediate, but
there is an elastic after effect. Hence time factor must be take into account.
Another difficulty is that fibres are not solid throughout, and moreover, their
sectional area varies along their length.
extension of a fibre comprises two components an elastic extension which may be
recoverable; and a plastic extension is not recoverable. The plastic extension
is due to ‘flow’ whereby the extended molecules slip on one another and do not return
when force is removed. Elastic recovery is the ratio of the elastic extension
to the total extension. Resilience factor is the ratio of energy required to
extend a fibre on loading and the energy returned on unloading.
elastic recovery of fibres from extension comes into 3 (three) classes. The
highest recovery is seen in nylon and wool, whereas the lowest is given by the native
cellulose fibres. The intermediate position is occupied by silk, acetate rayon,
and viscose rayon. The elastic recovery is mainly due to two main factors (a)
entropy effects i.e. thermo-elasticity and (b) the mutual attraction of certain
groups in the main chains producing an entanglement.
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